Sugar Cookie JDRF Fundraiser

Theo Hoenig is an enthusiastic member of our Mogo farm crew. He was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes when he was 18 months old, and is now a spunky 4 year old. His family has been very active with JDRF since his diagnosis, participating in a wide variety of JDRF fundraisers over the years, and they are committed to being part of the solution to end Type 1 Diabetes.

This spring, Theo’s family will be selling sugar cookies on our website & at our farm to continue their JDRF fundraising efforts. Theo’s mom has become quite the icing artist, and his dad has honed in on the perfect sugar cookie recipe. Please consider ordering a few of these lovely cookies this spring from our online store. We will also have a special box of cookies available for Mother’s Day so stay tuned for that! All proceeds from cookie sales will be going to JDRF.

If you’d rather just donate a little money to JDRF, instead of buying cookies, you can find donation information on the Theo’s Thunder JDRF One Walk event page.

Theo says thank you for your support!

(L to R) - Wyatt (Theo’s dad), Theo, and Morgan (Theo’s Aunt), hangin out at the farm.

(L to R) - Wyatt (Theo’s dad), Theo, and Morgan (Theo’s Aunt), hangin out at the farm.

Mogo Tshirt pre-order

Want to be part of the Mogo crew? We will be ordering more tshirts this spring, and if you are looking for a particular size/color design, let us know and we’ll tack it on to our order!

There are two designs.. veggies or a bee. and most colors and sizes are available :) Shirts are $16 ea, or $18 for XXL+ sizes. Fill out the order form below and we’ll send you an invoice for your order… Orders and payments must be received before May 10.


Prepping for Spring

The turkey vultures migrated back to the neighborhood yesterday! And as we were closing up the greenhouses for the night, we could hear the tree frogs singing. Signs that spring is here!!

The Mogo crew has been busy starting seeds - vegetables and flowers for our fields and bedding plants for our plant sale. The greenhouse is packed full with lettuce, spinach, geraniums, succulents, ivys, ferns, and lots more baby plants that are anxiously awaiting their move to the farm. We’ve put up a small greenhouse in front of the barn to prep for our plant sale, which will go for 5 weekends starting April 25th.

Stay tuned for more details!


Honey Oatmeal Bread

We will have a limited amount of our famous honey oatmeal bread available for sale on our spring plant sale weekends… so if you would like to pre-order or reserve your loaf of honey oatmeal bread, please fill out the contact form below and indicate what day you would like to pick up your loaf (or loaves).

Our plant sale dates have passed. Sorry there are no more pick up dates available this spring!


Spring Plant Sale

This spring we have decided to open up our farm for 4 consecutive weekends, from April 27 to May 19th. We will be open on Saturdays from 9-3 and Sundays from noon-4.

You will be able to find a wide variety of heirloom and classic tomato plants, herbs, cole crops, succulents, flowers, hanging baskets & mixed planters in our small greenhouse located just behind our barn.

Need some mulch for your landscaping? We will also have bulk mulch available, sourced locally from Batey Sawmill. Avoid all of those plastic bags of mulch and bring your truck or trailer and we will fill it up! Mulch will be $10/tractor scoop, or 3 scoops for $25. ( 3 scoops is about 1 cubic yard.)


We will also have a limited amount of our famous honey oatmeal bread available for sale on the weekends… so if you would like to pre-order or reserve your loaf of honey oatmeal bread, please fill out the contact form below and indicate what day you would like to pick up your loaf (or loaves). We will send you confirmation of your order within 24 hours.

Changes to the Farm

We had a new edition on the farm this year.  Our son Leo arrived just before the new year and as we make plans for the upcoming growing season, we realize that we will not have the time for marketing that we used to have.   This year you will still find us in downtown Mt. Pleasant on Tuesdays, and we will still be contributing produce to the Green Share multi-farm market stand in Iowa City on Saturdays.  But we will not be participating in the Jefferson Street Farmers Market in Burlington anymore. 


Greenhouse tour

Spring is officially here, and our greenhouses are filling up fast!  Our greenhouse benches are maxed out with tomatoes, lettuces, herbs, geraniums, succulent plants, and flowers.  Despite the cold rainy weekend we have ahead of us, things are still looking sun-shiny in the greenhouse! 

One of the highlights of the photo tour below is the blooming strawberry plants.  Thanks to our greenhouses, we're able to enjoy a few pints of homegrown strawberries before anyone else in our area.  It's the little things :)  

There's only about 6 weeks until farmers market season begins, and we are on track to have a bountiful market stand. 

Seeds are sprouting, garlic is popping...

The seeds that I planted last weekend are already up, and we transplanted them yesterday.  If this weather holds, we should be on track to get these plants out in the field by the end of March!  

The garlic that we planted last fall pushed it's first leaves out of the ground over a month ago... and we've taken care to keep the leaves covered with mulch in case of another hard freeze.  But with the recent warm weather we've been having, the garlic is now almost 6 inches tall, so the mulch won't help us protect from frost any longer!  If another cold snap comes, we will use row cover to protect the leaves... but garlic can usually take a frost or two :)

We seeded baby kale, arugula and beets in one of our high tunnels over the weekend too. You can see where they were seeded in the pics below... and I'll share their progress in the following weeks!