Seeds are sprouting, garlic is popping...

The seeds that I planted last weekend are already up, and we transplanted them yesterday.  If this weather holds, we should be on track to get these plants out in the field by the end of March!  

The garlic that we planted last fall pushed it's first leaves out of the ground over a month ago... and we've taken care to keep the leaves covered with mulch in case of another hard freeze.  But with the recent warm weather we've been having, the garlic is now almost 6 inches tall, so the mulch won't help us protect from frost any longer!  If another cold snap comes, we will use row cover to protect the leaves... but garlic can usually take a frost or two :)

We seeded baby kale, arugula and beets in one of our high tunnels over the weekend too. You can see where they were seeded in the pics below... and I'll share their progress in the following weeks!